I was recently lucky enough to be asked to direct a short film to promote an upcoming event for Changing Spaces in Cambridge. Of course i didnt say no.
Changing Spaces is a pioneering initiative developed by Cambridge City Council in partnership with Love Cambridge. The project started in June 2009 and has exhibited over 80 local artists and charity groups in more than 24 different locations since then. Changing Spaces is delivered by professional artists on a voluntary basis.
If you are a Cambridge artist and want to exhibit your work head over to the Changing Spaces website for more details.
This film was made in an afternoon by myself and Patrick Hurst (that’s the back of his head you can see in the film), an artist and film maker from the Cambridge area. You should have a look at his work on his website www.patrickhurst.co.uk.
And hey, what the hell, if you have some spare ‘investment’ cash lying around why not splash on some of his work. It might look good in the hallway.